QUESTIONS: please respond with as much detail as possible.
> As a part of the media, do you see young voters participating more in this
> election. Do you also see the presidentially nominees reaching out more to
> youth voters for support?
> Do you feel nominees have changed their approach this election in terms of
> gaining support from young voters? If so, what things are nominees, in your
> opinion, doing to gain support from young voters?
> A lot of Grassroot organizations have popped up in an effort to influence
> young voters for this election. What do you think makes this election
> different from past elections? Why, all of a sudden, do the young voters
> matter for these nominees?
> James--as a the first student to host an interview with a Presidential
> candidate in your dorm room, how do you suggest young voters get more
> invovled in the election?
> Do you and Emily think alternative forms of media have had an influence on
> young voters?
> With that said, how do you both think citizen journalism is affecting the
> youth vote--do you think blogs, youtube videos, etc. have aidded in gaining
> young voters' attention and have inturn made them more invovled in this
> years election?
1. Youth voters are are much more active during this presidential
cycle largely because of Barack Obama. Other important factors are the
internet and social networking sites, which make it very easy for
people to connect with others who are like-minded when it comes to
specific issues or candidates. However, it's hard to determine whether
the internet makes people more attune to issues, or if it's the youth
who are bringing the internet to the forefront of politics. The
candidates, their campaigns and surrogates have recognized this and
attempting to tap into this huge resource.
2. The very fact that campaigns are even using these social networking
sites, youtube, etc is a change in itself. The other thing that makes
Obama so appealing is his message of bi-partisanship and
working-together attitude. This generation grew up in a very polarized
political climate. 0bama's reconciliatory (is that a word?) Message is
3. The networks and organizations and structure, we believe, has
always been there. This year, for the reasons listed above, youth are
just more energized by the campaigns.
4. Given the power of the internet and young people understand it
better than any other generation, there's nothing stopping young
people being as powerful as they want to be. If you have something you
want to say, write a blog, make a video - those things do get noticed.
5. What was alternative is now becoming mainstream. Again, it's hard
to determine whether the internet influenced youth or the other way
arouns -- kind of like which came first, the chicken or the egg? All I
(james) can say personally is that there are some young people who
have contacted me saying they get their political news from me. And
that's great! It's not my intention, but it's great to get people
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